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Download Openerp 7 For Ubuntu

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OpenERP 7.0 is a major upgrade and a new Long Term Support release. OpenERP is one of the most well-known open-source ERP solution that exists today. OpenERP is an open source alternative to SAP ERP, Oracle E-Business Suite, Microsoft Dynamics, Netsuite and other enterprise resource planning software.

No Cost - absolutely free. ( For server or Desktop ) 2. No issues of Viruses, malwares. Excellent Performance, Great Speed. Easy configuration. OpenERP - Pentaho reporting setup/configuration for V6.1 & V7.0 - instant-ERP - Odoo & OpenERP on How to: Setup a Pentaho Reporting Server Ubuntu 12.04 OpenERP (changed) Links Computerworld.

OpenERP is release under the terms of GNU Affero General Public License (AGPLv3), OpenERP is free to use and share.

In this blog I will show you how easy you can setup OpenERP 7.0. There are two method that you can use to install OpenERP

  • Using deb file
  • Using source tarball

With first method its very easy to install OpenERP but its not gives us that much control to customize the OpenERP. In this blog we will focus on second method.

Step 1: Setup your Ubuntu 12.04 server

After the server started for the first time you need to update the package list of the server.

sudo apt-get update

Above command will downloads the package lists from the repositories and 'updates' them to get information on the newest versions of packages and their dependencies.

Now you are ready to start openerp installation.

Step 2: PostgreSQL Server Installation and Configuration

Install PostgreSQL Server using following command.

sudo apt-get install postgresql

Setup a PostgreSQL user for OpenERP. You may need to login as postgres user first.

openerp@swapnil-laptop:/$ sudo su postgres

password: XXXXXXXXXX

Now create PostgreSQL user openerp using the following command:

postgres@swapnil-laptop:/$ createuser --createdb --username postgres --no-createrole
--pwprompt openerp
Enter password for new role: XXXXXXXXXX
Enter it again: XXXXXXXXXX
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) y

Option explanations:

--createdb : the new user will be able to create new databases
--username postgres : createuser will use the postgres user (superuser)
--no-createrole : the new user will not be able to create new users
--pwprompt : createuser will ask you the new user's password
openerp : the new user's name

Step 3: OpenERP Server Installation

Installing the required packages. Use following single commands to install all required python libraries.

sudo apt-get install python-lxml python-mako python-dateutil python-psycopg2 python-pychart python-pydot python-tz python-reportlab python-yaml python-vobject python python-dev build-essential python-setuptools python-pip python-babel python-mock python-docutils python-Jinja2 python3-jinja2

Download the latest openerp server source using the following command.

cd /opt/

sudo wget

sudo tar xvzf ~/openerp-7.0-latest.tar.gz

Rename the extracted folder

Wajah tum ho 2016. sudo mv openerp-7.0-20140328-001256 openerp

Setup openerp using following command

cd /opt/openerp

sudo python install

Step 4: Creating a configuration file for OpenERP Server

Copy openerp-server.config file to /etc we need to change it's ownership and permissions use your system user name in my case its openerp.

sudo cp openerp-7.0/install/openerp-server.conf /etc/

sudo chown openerp: /etc/openerp-server.conf

sudo chmod 640 /etc/openerp-server.conf

The above commands make the file owned and writable only by the openerp user and group and only readable by openerp and root.

To allow the OpenERP server to run initially, you should only need to change one line in this file. Toward to the top of the file change the

db_host = localhost

db_port = 5432

db_user = openerp // user created in postgres for openerp

db_password = openerp

One other line we might as well add to the configuration file now, is to tell OpenERP where to write its log file. To complement my suggested location below add the following line to the openerp-server.conf file:

logfile = /var/log/openerp/openerp-server.log

Once the configuration file is edited and saved, you can start the server manually just to check if it actually runs.

Step 5: Installing the boot script

For the final step we need to install a script which will be used to start-up and shut down the server automatically and also run the application as the correct user.

Similar to the configuration file, you need to either copy it or paste the contents of this script to a file in /etc/init.d/ and call it openerp-server.

Copy content of openerp-server to your openerp server boot script.

Do following changes in /etc/init.d/openerp-server file


USER= openerp

Once it is in the right place you will need to make it executable and owned by root:

sudo chmod 755 /etc/init.d/openerp-server

sudo chown root: /etc/init.d/openerp-server

In the configuration file there's an entry for the server's log file. We need to create that directory first so that the server has somewhere to log to and also we must make it writeable by the openerp user:

sudo mkdir /var/log/openerp

sudo chown openerp:root /var/log/openerp

Step 6 : Testing the server

To start the OpenERP server type:

sudo /etc/init.d/openerp-server start

You should now be able to view the logfile and see that the server has started.

sudo tail -f /var/log/openerp/openerp-server.log

If the log file looks OK, now point your web browser at the domain or IP address of your OpenERP server (or localhost if you are on the same machine) and use port 8069. The url will look something like this:

Step 7: Automating OpenERP startup and shutdown

If everything above seems to be working OK, the final step is make the script start and stop automatically with the Ubuntu Server. To do this type:

sudo update-rc.d openerp-server defaults

You can now try rebooting you server if you like. OpenERP should be running by the time you log back in.

For Amazon EC2 you need to allow 8069 port in your EC2 Security Group.

Hope you find this tutorial helpful. Feel free to ask questions! Don't forget to like or to leave a comment if its really help you.

All mastheads on this page are Evaluation mastheads and should only be used on Evaluation licenses of BigFix. If you have a Production licenses of BigFix, please contact your sales rep to obtain Production mastheads.

For previous non-Windows versions, please refer to the following text file:

Openerp 7 Download

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Download Openerp 7 For Ubuntu Operating System


AIX - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

AIX - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BES Client package file to the IBM AIX computer.
  2. Copy the BESAgent to the IBM AIX computer.
  3. Run the following command: installp –agqYXd ./BESAgent-8.2.1409.0.ppc_aix53.pkg BESClient
  4. Copy the masthead file to /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
  5. Run the following command: /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/SBESClientd start.

AIX - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the AIX BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the AIX Evaluation masthead: (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for AIX Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.


CentOS - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

CentOS - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client RPM file to the Red Hat computer.
  2. Install the RPM by running the command rpm -ivh <path to BigFix Client RPM>.
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm', rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command: /etc/init.d/besclient start.


Debian - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Debian - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client DEB package file to the Debian computer.
  2. Install the DEB by running the command dpkg -i <path to BigFix Client package>.
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm', rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command: /etc/init.d/besclient start.


HP-UX - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

HP-UX - PA-RISC Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download and copy the corresponding BES Client package file to the HP-UX computer (the computer must be PA-RISC system). The file name will be in the format '(BESAgent-ww.xx.yy.zz.pa_risc_hpux11.0.depot' with variations, depending on the particular version of the agent downloaded.
    Note: Internet Explorer may incorrectly label the downloaded file as a .tar file. Mozilla and other browsers will download the file with the extension as .depot
  2. Run the following command:
    /usr/sbin/swinstall -s HOSTNAME:/path/BESAgent_filename BESAgent
    where HOSTNAME is the name of the system which the Agent is being installed, and /path/ is the path to the Agent installation source and BESAgent_filename is the name of the file you downloaded.
    For example:
    /usr/sbin/swinstall -s hpsystemb:/tmp/BESAgent-8.2.1409.0.pa_risc_hpux110.depot BESAgent
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the HP-UX BES Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BES Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BES Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BES 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BES Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm
  4. Start the BES Client by running the command /sbin/init.d/besclient start

HP-UX - Itanium Installation Instructions

Openerp php
Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download and copy the corresponding BES Client package file (BESAgent-8.2.1409.0.pa_risc_hpux110.depot) to the HP-UX computer (must be Itanium system).
  2. Run the following command:
    /usr/sbin/swinstall -x 'allow_incompatible=true' -s HOSTNAME:path/BESAgent-8.2.1409.0.pa_risc_hpux110.depot BESAgent
    where HOSTNAME is the name of the system which the Agent is being installed, and /path/ is the path to the Agent installation source
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the HP-UX BES Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BES Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BES Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BES 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BES Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm
  4. Start the BES Client by running the command /sbin/init.d/besclient start

HP-UX - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the HP-UX BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the HP-UX Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for HP-UX Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Mac OS X - Installation Instructions

For client versions up to 8.2.1175.0 (8.2 Patch 3) or all installations on OSX 10.4 and 10.5:

  1. Download the corresponding BES Client package file to the Mac computer.
  2. Open the disk image by double clicking the DMG file (eg: BESAgent-8.2.1310.0-BigFix_MacOSX.dmg) to mount it.
  3. Run the BESAgent Installer Builder. The Installer Builder will request the masthead file which is available by using the BESAdmin tool on the BES Server computer ('Export Masthead' functionality). The file must be named 'actionsite.afxm' for the installation to work properly.
  4. After running through the Installer Builder it will ask you where to save the Mac Installer dmg file you will use to install the MAC BESAgent.
  5. Once the disk image has been created, mount it and simply double click the PKG (eg: BESAgent-8.2.1310.0_MacOSX.pkg) to launch the installer.

For client versions 8.2.1310.0 (8.2 Patch 4) and higher on OSX 10.6 and later:

The distribution includes one DMG (mountable Disk Image file) that contains utilities and a separate PKG download for the install or upgrade package. The files are identified as 10.6 versions in the file names.
  1. Download the corresponding BES Client package file to the Mac computer.
  2. Copy the PKG file to any directory and copy the masthead file for your deployment into the same directory. Make sure the masthead file is named actionsite.afxm.
  3. You may optionally include a pre-defined settings file (clientsettings.cfg) in the install directory to create custom settings for the Mac client at installation time.
  4. Launch the PKG installer by double-clicking the PKG file (eg: BESAgent-8.2.1310.0-BigFix_MacOSX10.6.pkg) and run through the installer. The agent will start up after the installation completes as long as the masthead file is included in the install directory.

Mac OS X - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the Mac BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the Mac Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for Mac OS X Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Installation Instructions

    Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client RPM file to the Red Hat computer.
  2. Install the RPM by running the command rpm -ivh <path to BigFix Client RPM>.
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm', rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command: /etc/init.d/besclient start.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Fixlet Content

To get the Fixlet content for the Red Hat BigFix Agent, you will need to subscribe your BigFix Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BigFix Console installed.
  1. Download the appropriate masthead:
    • RedHat Enterprise Evaluation masthead (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  2. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BigFix Console.
  3. Log into the BigFix Console with your username/password.
  4. Once logged in, the BigFix Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for RedHat Linux Fixlet site, click OK.
  5. Type in your private key password and click OK.
    After the BigFix Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.
Note: For further information regarding Redhat Enterprise Linux please click here.


Solaris - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Solaris - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.2 the Client is controlled by the service manager. To start or stop the agent use the svcadm {enable|disable|restart} BESClient command.
Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client package file to the Solaris computer.
  2. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Solaris BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: You may need to create the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ if it does not already exist.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  3. Install the PKG by running the command pkgadd -d .
  4. In 9.2 and above the BigFix Client will be started automatically by the Service Manager, on older versions run the command /etc/init.d/besclient start.

Note: Earlier revisions of Solaris (7 and 8) did not include functions required for proper running of the BES Client in the libC (SUNWlibC package) libraries. Ensure that the libC libraries have been patched to a sufficient level so that the BES Client will operate correctly.

For Solaris 8, the latest version of patch 108434 must be installed:

Solaris - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the Solaris BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the Solaris Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for Solaris Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

SUSE Linux

SUSE Linux - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

SUSE Linux - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BES Client RPM file to the SUSE computer.
  2. Install the RPM by running the command rpm -ivh .
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BES Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BES Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BES Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.

    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:

  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command /etc/init.d/besclient start.

SUSE Linux - Fixlet Content

To get the Fixlet content for the SUSE BigFix Agent, you will need to subscribe your BigFix Server to the appropriate Fixlet site.
  1. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BigFix Console installed.
  2. Download the appropriate masthead
    (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BigFix Console.
  4. Log into the BigFix Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BigFix Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for SUSE Linux Enterprise Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BigFix Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Note: For further information regarding SUSE (32-bit) Content please click here.


Ubuntu - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Ubuntu - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download and copy the corresponding BES Client package file (BESAgent-8.2.1409.0.pa_risc_hpux110.depot) to the HP-UX computer (must be Itanium system).
  2. Run the following command:
    /usr/sbin/swinstall -x 'allow_incompatible=true' -s HOSTNAME:path/BESAgent-8.2.1409.0.pa_risc_hpux110.depot BESAgent
    where HOSTNAME is the name of the system which the Agent is being installed, and /path/ is the path to the Agent installation source
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the HP-UX BES Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BES Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BES Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BES 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BES Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm
  4. Start the BES Client by running the command /sbin/init.d/besclient start

HP-UX - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the HP-UX BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the HP-UX Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for HP-UX Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Mac OS X

Mac OS X - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Mac OS X - Installation Instructions

For client versions up to 8.2.1175.0 (8.2 Patch 3) or all installations on OSX 10.4 and 10.5:

  1. Download the corresponding BES Client package file to the Mac computer.
  2. Open the disk image by double clicking the DMG file (eg: BESAgent-8.2.1310.0-BigFix_MacOSX.dmg) to mount it.
  3. Run the BESAgent Installer Builder. The Installer Builder will request the masthead file which is available by using the BESAdmin tool on the BES Server computer ('Export Masthead' functionality). The file must be named 'actionsite.afxm' for the installation to work properly.
  4. After running through the Installer Builder it will ask you where to save the Mac Installer dmg file you will use to install the MAC BESAgent.
  5. Once the disk image has been created, mount it and simply double click the PKG (eg: BESAgent-8.2.1310.0_MacOSX.pkg) to launch the installer.

For client versions 8.2.1310.0 (8.2 Patch 4) and higher on OSX 10.6 and later:

The distribution includes one DMG (mountable Disk Image file) that contains utilities and a separate PKG download for the install or upgrade package. The files are identified as 10.6 versions in the file names.
  1. Download the corresponding BES Client package file to the Mac computer.
  2. Copy the PKG file to any directory and copy the masthead file for your deployment into the same directory. Make sure the masthead file is named actionsite.afxm.
  3. You may optionally include a pre-defined settings file (clientsettings.cfg) in the install directory to create custom settings for the Mac client at installation time.
  4. Launch the PKG installer by double-clicking the PKG file (eg: BESAgent-8.2.1310.0-BigFix_MacOSX10.6.pkg) and run through the installer. The agent will start up after the installation completes as long as the masthead file is included in the install directory.

Mac OS X - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the Mac BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the Mac Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for Mac OS X Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Installation Instructions

    Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client RPM file to the Red Hat computer.
  2. Install the RPM by running the command rpm -ivh <path to BigFix Client RPM>.
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm', rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command: /etc/init.d/besclient start.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux - Fixlet Content

To get the Fixlet content for the Red Hat BigFix Agent, you will need to subscribe your BigFix Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BigFix Console installed.
  1. Download the appropriate masthead:
    • RedHat Enterprise Evaluation masthead (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  2. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BigFix Console.
  3. Log into the BigFix Console with your username/password.
  4. Once logged in, the BigFix Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for RedHat Linux Fixlet site, click OK.
  5. Type in your private key password and click OK.
    After the BigFix Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.
Note: For further information regarding Redhat Enterprise Linux please click here.


Solaris - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Solaris - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.2 the Client is controlled by the service manager. To start or stop the agent use the svcadm {enable|disable|restart} BESClient command.
Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client package file to the Solaris computer.
  2. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Solaris BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: You may need to create the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ if it does not already exist.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  3. Install the PKG by running the command pkgadd -d .
  4. In 9.2 and above the BigFix Client will be started automatically by the Service Manager, on older versions run the command /etc/init.d/besclient start.

Note: Earlier revisions of Solaris (7 and 8) did not include functions required for proper running of the BES Client in the libC (SUNWlibC package) libraries. Ensure that the libC libraries have been patched to a sufficient level so that the BES Client will operate correctly.

For Solaris 8, the latest version of patch 108434 must be installed:

Solaris - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the Solaris BES Agent, you will need to subscribe your BES Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BES Console installed.
  2. Download the Solaris Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BES Console.
  4. Log into the BES Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BES Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for Solaris Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BES Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

SUSE Linux

SUSE Linux - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

SUSE Linux - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BES Client RPM file to the SUSE computer.
  2. Install the RPM by running the command rpm -ivh .
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BES Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BES Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BES Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm, rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.

    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:

  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command /etc/init.d/besclient start.

SUSE Linux - Fixlet Content

To get the Fixlet content for the SUSE BigFix Agent, you will need to subscribe your BigFix Server to the appropriate Fixlet site.
  1. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BigFix Console installed.
  2. Download the appropriate masthead
    (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BigFix Console.
  4. Log into the BigFix Console with your username/password.
  5. Once logged in, the BigFix Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for SUSE Linux Enterprise Fixlet site, click OK.
  6. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  7. After the BigFix Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Note: For further information regarding SUSE (32-bit) Content please click here.


Ubuntu - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

Ubuntu - Installation Instructions

Note: Beginning with IEM 9.0 the directory /etc/opt/BESClient/ is not automatically created by the installer. If it does not exist, you will need to manually create this directory.
  1. Download the corresponding BigFix Client DEB package file to the Ubuntu computer.
  2. Install the DEB by running the command dpkg -i <path to BigFix Client package>.
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the Linux BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The action site masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm', rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
    Note: In BigFix 4.0 and later, the masthead file for each BigFix Server is downloadable at http://servername:port/masthead/masthead.afxm (example:
  4. Start the BigFix Client by running the command: /etc/init.d/besclient start.

VMWare ESX Server

VMWare ESX Server - Downloads

For the latest BigFix release information, visit

VMWare ESX Server - Installation Instructions

For installation instructions see RedHat Linux

VMWare ESX Server - Fixlet Content

  1. To get the Fixlet content for the ESX BigFix Agent, you will need to subscribe your BigFix Server to the appropriate Fixlet site. To subscribe to a new Fixlet site, go to a computer with the BigFix Console installed.
  2. Download the ESX Evaluation masthead. (Note: This masthead is for Evaluation licenses only.)
  3. Copy your actionsite masthead to the ESX BigFix Client computer (the masthead contains configuration, license, and security information). The actionsite masthead (actionsite.afxm) can be found in your BigFix Installation folders (by default they are placed under C:BigFix Installers). If the masthead is not named 'actionsite.afxm', rename it to 'actionsite.afxm' and place it on the computer at the following location: /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm.
  4. When prompted to open or save the file, click 'Open' and this will automatically open the BigFix Console.
  5. Log into the BigFix Console with your username/password.
  6. Once logged in, the BigFix Console will ask if you wish to subscribe to the Patches for ESX Fixlet site, click OK.
  7. Type in your private key password and click OK.
  8. After the BigFix Console subscribes to the site, it should automatically start gathering new Fixlet messages from the site.

Note: Firewall ports must be opened.

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